Tang Shop 唐舖子
Candy Happiness
At the beginning, the founder was hoping to produce quality candies that her own kid could enjoy safely. After years of research, the founder eventually produce satisfying and awarded nougats. Tang Shop was established in 2013. Together with a two-star Michelin pastry chef, the brand strictly selects ingredients and pays full attention in production to fulfill their belief "Do The Best & Make What We Dare To Eat".
起初是一份簡單而溫暖的心意,只為了做出讓孩子也能安心享用的好糖。唐舖子創辦人葉安淇研究多年,四處尋覓好的食材,就是希望這顆牛軋糖,成為一顆帶給人們滿滿幸福的牛軋糖。而牛軋糖裡也藏著安淇對兒子的盼望,她相信,用愛陪伴著自己天生腦麻的孩子,總有一天孩子也能成為唐舖子的夥伴,用自己的力量帶給別人幸福。2013年成立的唐舖子 在安淇強大的母愛中成立,嚴選食材來源、生產全程控管再加上米其林二星甜品主廚的工藝,希望在「要做就做最好的,做也只做自己敢吃」的堅持下,將台灣牛軋糖推向世界的舞台,讓世界看見台灣的好手藝。
- Where To Buy 銷售點 -
- We Welcome Collaborations 歡迎商務洽談 -
Retail & Wholesale Food Supplier 食品零售及批發
Tel: +852 2345 6263 Email: info@cougar.com.hk
Brand Joint Promotions 品牌聯乘推廣 / Media & KOL Food Tasting 索取產品拍照及試食
Email: marketing@cougar.com.hk